Marabut Celebrated its 62nd Founding Anniversary

Mayor Atty. Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. during the 62nd Founding Anniversary of the municipality last July 22, 2011 reinvigorated the more or less three thousand Marabutnons who participated the whole day event.

The theme of this year's celebration was, Marabut at 62: Tourism on the Go!!!

Rev. Fr. Rolando Vivas, celebrated the Holy Mass after which followed by the anniversary program which was highlighted by the wreath laying and the launching of the official newsletter of the municipality of Marabut, dubbed as "SUMAT".

"An Marabut" a Siday (poem) written by Shaira M. Estonilo, a high school student of the Marabut National High School became the pondering lines of Mayor Ortillo for the Marabutnons during the celebration. (Back)

MOA Signing for the Zipline Project in Marabut

Mario Pacuri (left) & Zeny Cosimino (seated center) of the Caluwayan 
Palm Island Resort signing the Memorandum of Agreement with 
Mayor Ortillo, Jr. to mark the go-signal of its zipline project. Witness
to the signing are some of the SB members and department heads of 
LGU Marabut.  

The Caluwayan Palm Island Resort and the LGU of Marabut executed the memorandum of agreement for the former's zipline project that will be constructed within its compound.

Zeny Cosimino, the manager of the resort and brother Engr. Mario Pacuri instrumentalized the MOA with Mayor Ortillo, Jr for the LGU.  The signing was made at the resort on May 27, 2011.

The signing was witnessed by the Municipal Tourism Council Chairman, SB member Jun P. Grefiel and SB member Dong Natad.  Also present during the signing were some of the department heads of the municipal government.

Engr. Pacuri assured the LGU of Marabut that construction will start within the month of June 2011.

Tourism Master Plan Submitted to DOT, NEDA & RDC

Mayor Ortillo, Jr. (left) and Tourism Council Jun. P. Grefiel, Jr. (right) 
witnessing DOT Executive Assistant Cesar Navidad (center) receiving 
the First Tourism Master Plan of Marabut.

The First Marabut Tourism Master Plan (FMTMP) which was adopted by the Sangguniang Bayan of Marabut on March 2011 was submitted to the Department of Tourism 8, National Economic Development Authority 8 and to the     Regional Development Council 8 on the second half of May 2011.

National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Regional Director, Buenaventura GoSoco bringing with him his copy of the master plan surprises Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. and Tourism Council Chairman, Rogelio P. Grefiel, Jr. by visiting the latter at the mayor's office on May 27, 2011.

Director GoSoco congratulated the Mayor and expressed his amazement how a fifth class municipality was able to come up with its own tourism master plan which was first in the region.

On June 8, 2011 the tourism master plan was submitted to DOT Manila. Cesar Noble Navidad, the Executive   Assistant of DOT Secretary  Alberto Lim acknowledges the receipt of the said master plan. (Back)

DENR-PAWCZMS 8 will Assess Tourism Sites of Marabut

 Seated from left: Dr. Mischelle O. Mcgee of Marabut RHU, Vilma Fabillo, Jovel Gravoso,
 Arnolito Biojan of the DENR-PAWCZMS, Tito Espino of Osmeña National High School 
 and Teresita Valdez of Marabut National High School and standing is Estela L. Obuyes 
 the Tourism Officer of Marabut during the presentation of the First Marabut Tourism 
 Master Plan last February 24, 2011.   
Tinabanan, Marabut  -  Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. during his presentation of the First Marabut Tourism Master Plan (FMTMP) to the Marabut Tourism Council last February 24, 2011 disclosed that Jovel Gravoso, Vilma Fabillo and Arnolito Biojan of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office 8 - Protected Areas, Wildlife and Coastal Zone Management Service (DENR RO8-PAWCZMS) were invited to the meeting to conduct assessment of the caves and other tourism sites of Marabut come middle of March 2011.

Mayor Ortillo, pointed out that assessment of the tourism sites in Marabut is vital in the implementation of the Tourism Program.

Mayor Ortillo (center), presenting the FMTMP to the Tourism Council.  
This developed as DENR 8 Regional Executive Director Primitivo C. Galinato and RTD Director Danilo A. Javier had expressed their support to the Tourism Program of Marabut.

The DENR-PAWCZMS however, urges the Council to help Caluwayan Palm Island Resort to secure an environmental clearance certificate from the DENR including its cave assessment hence, the entrance of their proposed zipline project will pass through a cave.  (Back)

LGU of Marabut: Best Legislative Body in Samar and Fourth in Region 8

LGU Marabut as the 4th Runner-up for

the Best Legislative Body in 
Region 8.
Tacloban City - "Good governance, transparency and good working relationship with the members of the Sangguniang Bayan," this according to Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. of the municipality of Marabut, Samar is the reason that Marabut has consistently made it to the top in the provincial category and 4th in the regional category in the search for the 2010 Local Legislative Award.  The town first earned the outstanding reputation during the first term of Ortillo's office. A lawyer by profession and a longtime human rights advocate. Ortillo said good leadership style, a transparent policy in governance, and a supportive leadership has led and motivated the Sangguniang Bayan to give the best of their legislative performance.   

"It all started after instituting change, particularly at making the local legislative hall more conducive for sessions and meetings," so claimed Mayor Ortillo, now on his second term as mayor of the municipality of Marabut, Samar.
Mayor Ortillo (5th from right) and Vice Mayor Labado (3rd from right) with 
MLGOO Concepcion Afable (right) and the SB Members.

He led the members of the Sangguniang Bayan in receiving the trophy during the awarding ceremonies held at the People's Center, Tacloban City on January 28, 2011. This is the second time that the municipality was awarded the Best Legislative Body in the province of Samar by the Department of Interior and Local Government. (A report from the Headlines - Feb. 1-7, 2011 issue)  (Back) 


Barangay Pinalangga - From marginal fishermen to career officers, from businessmen to politicians, these people together witnessed the unfolding history of the Marabut Tourism Program last December 14, 2010 at the roadside of the mangrove area of Barangay Pinalangga. 

Rev. Fr. Rolando E. Vivas celebrated the holy mass prior to the launching with his homily centered on the cycle of life in the mangrove area, that man has its share to preserved the life that breathe through it.  The mass was celebrated on location at the mangrove area.

Municipal Tourism Council Chairman, Rogelio P. Grefiel, Jr. in his presentation of the Tourism Program reiterated the role of communication through virtual marketing as the vehicle for economic development.     

Mr. Jude Acidre, the Samar Provincial Chairman of the An Waray Party List graced the event with the inspiring message of Congressman Neil Benedict Montejo on its support toward the development of the tourism program in the municipality.  Regional Director Cynthia R. Nierras of the Department of Trade and Industry offered its department's limitless support to the program and committed for the development of the tourism products of the municipality.  On the other hand, Supervising Tourism Operation's Officer of the Department of Tourism, Ms. Ma. Trinidad C. Dacuycuy disclosed that the Municipality of Marabut is part of the Leyte-Samar Interface that has its common portfolio for promotion and for tour. 

Right after the launching program, simultaneous mangrove planting and coastal clean-up followed after which a tour to the vital tourism sites was undertaken under the guidance of the student tour guides of the Marabut National High School.
Police estimated the crowd to be nearly 500 people mostly coming from the marginal fishermen sector and 30 of them vigorously paddled almost eight nautical miles just to witness the event.  (Back)


The Basey Wood Inc. applied with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for an Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) which covers the Municipalities of Marabut and Basey.  

The applied area for this project is 12,000 hectares and will be utilized for the commercial production of castor bean Ricinus communis which is an alternative bio-fuel and will be exported to China as raw.

Mayor Ortillo, Jr. reiterated its impact on the municipality toward employment and income. He is hopeful that the project will solve the problem on illegal logging. Initially, a five hectare lot will be utilized as pilot area of the project.  

The Department of Science and Technology - CAPE Program in cooperation with the Leyte State University will assess the proposed plantation in early part of December 2010.  (Back)



The Local Chief Executive of the Municipality of Marabut, Atty. Percival A. Ortillo, Jr.  and his Municipal Local Government Operation’s Officer, Ms. Concepcion Afable initiated the holding of the mass oath taking of the new Barangay officials including the new set of officers of the Sangguniang Kabataan at the municipal hall.

The oath taking was held last November 24, 2010 with one hundred percent attendance of all the newly elected barangay officials.

Ms. Afable, emphasized that the Department of Interior and Local Government will conduct a series of seminars and workshops to all barangay officials in order for them to be equipped with the appropriate management tools necessary for the barangays.

She further enjoins all barangay officials to support the programs of the local chief executive to maintain its status as the champion on Local Legislative Award besting 24 other municipalities in the province of Samar and fourth runner-up in the regional level which is participated in by the six provinces of region 8 back in 2009.

LCE Ortillo, Jr. in his closing statement detailed his program on tourism development and encouraged all barangay officials to be consistent with it.  (Back)


Last November 17, 2010 a team of investors and consultants from the Meadowland Developers Inc. specializing on extreme sports facilities and water system development assessed the entire municipality of Marabut for a zipline project that will be constructed within its tourism destinations.
The team headed by Manuel Abesamis, disclosed that there are three potential sites for zipline in the municipality and these are just located within the vicinity of the three prominent resorts, the Caluwayan Palm Island Resort in Brgy. Caluwayan, the Extreme Experience formerly the Marabut Marine Park in Brgy. Osmeña and the JED Beach Resort in Brgy. Amambucale. 

Architect Antonio Orceo, the designer of zipline informed the group of Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. that with the presence of rock hills in the vicinity are already an advantage on the part of the investor hence high rise zipline stations are no longer needed.

According to Manuel Abesamis, his team will start as soon as possible the preparation of the feasibility study and the zipline project design and will coordinate with the local chief executive on its development.

Seated: Manuel Abesamis (center), Mayor Ortillo, Jr. (second from left), Arch. Antonio Orceo.  Standing from left: Ernesto Evangelista,, Engr. Michael Cañete, Arthur Olarte, Nick D. Cinco, Rogelio Grefiel, Jr. (Tourism Council Chairman), SB Member Pidoy Amantillo and Engr. Mario Pacuri of Caluwayan Palm Island Resort.  (Back)


Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. and 13 members of the Municipal Tourism Council of Marabut, Samar last November 12, 2010 visited the first zipline project in Cebu City which is located at Brgy. Busay.  The group experienced riding the zipline and appreciated its potential toward developing the same project in Marabut.   

The Municipal Tourism Council Chairman, SB Member Rogelio P. Grefiel, Jr. stressed that the project can create ripple effect in the business sector and could create employment in the community as it will become a major attraction in the municipality, province and the islands of Leyte, Samar and Biliran hence, it is the first zipline in the entire region. 


Atty. Dionesio Cañete, Manuel S. Abesamis, Engr. Michael R. Cañete (Gen. Manager and Executive Vice-President of the Meadowland Developers Inc.) and Architect Antonio Orceo who developed the Doce Pares Zipline project presented to the group the background and the socio-economic impact of the project in the community.

Arch. Orceo who prepared the feasibility study of this project discussed to the group its impact toward the development of the tourism industry in the area.

Meanwhile, Manuel Abesamis, the developer of this project pointed out that due to its demand, they constructed the 400 meter long zipline.

Memvbers of the group were given a free ride of the zipline that whole afternoon and in the evening, followed the meeting at the Figaro Cafe Shop at the ICT Park. 

 Mayor Ortillo, Jr. headed the members of the Municipal Tourism Council that partake in the local study mission and they:  Tourism Council Chairman SB Member Rogelio P. Grefiel, Tito C. Espino, Teresita A. Valdez, Dolores C. Gravillo, Estela L. Obuyes, Zenaida O. Consimino (Resort Operator), Alfredo Amantillo, Judarico V. Sabit, Baltazar B. Gacus, Joselito Z. Ferreras, Aladin C. Advincula, Joseph P. Rojas, Meilou C. Macabare (DTI Samar Provincial Officer-in-Charge) and Nicerio D. Cinco.

In the pictures riding the zipline are Mayor Ortillo, Jr. (in yellow shirt) and Engr. Advincula (in white shirt).  (Back)


The Marabut Tourism Code of 2010 which was approved last April 10, 2010 and R.A. 9593 of the Philippine Tourism Act of 2009 became the legal basis of the local government unit of Marabut, Samar in its pursuit in making tourism program as its economic engine for growth.

Last October 28, 2010 the joint meeting or its municipal tourism council, tourism composite inspection team and the resort owners in Marabut, Samar jointly pushed for the launching of its tourism program on November 22, 2010.  The launching will conducted with the mangrove planting and coastal clean-up as its underlying events.

During the launching Congressman Neil Montejo of the An Waray Partylist and RDC 8 Chairman, Carlos Jerico "Icot" Petilla will be invited to grace the event. (Back)                                                                                                                                             
ENGR. CHAN, AGRI-BUSINESS ON TOURISM PROGRAM IN MARABUT                                       

Engr. Estanislao E. Chan, Jr. during the joint meeting of the Municipal Tourism Council, Tourism Composite Inspection Team and the Resort Operators in Marabut, Samar last October 28, 2010 challenge the leadership of Mayor Percival A. Ortillo, Jr. to capitalize its agricultural products in support for its tourism program.
Engr. Chan emphasized on offering its fresh coconut juice and other fruit juices in lieu of synthetic juices and soft drinks for its local and foreign visitors.

As member of the pioneering graduates in Agricultural Engineering in the country, Engr. Chan offered his services in support to the development of agri-business in the Municipality of Marabut.  (Back)